Water Cooled Chillers and
Heat Pumps
Water cooled chillers and heat pumps with semi-hermetic screw compressors and shell & tube heat exchangers designed for indoor installations
Blue Box // Water Cooled Chillers and Heat Pumps // Omega Sky Xi
Omega Sky Xi
OH: non-reversible heat pump
HPW: reversible heat pump on water side
/LN: low noise version
/XLN: super low noise version
/DC: with total recovery
Key advantages
maximum efficiency at partial loads: SEER up to 8.3 and SEPR up to 9.3
ecodesign tier 2 compliant
non-flammable refrigerant R513A with GWP=573
hybrid falling film evaporator with low refrigerant load
variable vi screw compressor with external inverter
version with chiller and heat pump, each with optimised operating range
BlueThink advanced control with integrated web server. Multilogic function and Blueye® supervision system (options)
Water-condensed liquid chillers and heat pumps for indoor applications; screw compressor with variable compression ratio and inverter for capacity modulation
253 to 940 kW